2008 is coming, for jewelry maker like us its good to have a new idea or techniques in jewelry making for 2008. We found this video from Youtube, a very interesting steps in making rings for all occasions, whether its for formal or for funky, you could make your own rings...enjoy...
CLICK for more options
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Things I’ve learned in joining Bazaars, Fairs and Shows
Since my bazaar escapade is almost over, I should say that joining bazaars or fairs is not an easy way to make a living. It requires research, planning and the ability to keep a smile on your face while standing on your feet for long hours.
I thought joining bazaars is just simple and full of enjoyment. I never thought that whether you will do this as a part time or full time job, you need the same amount of perseverance and hard work. Now, I realized that you should have a vast knowledge on what you are doing to able to have successful bazaars. In joining bazaars, you need to have a "retail personality"! What do I mean by that? I mean, you should be patient, industrious, cheerful, hospitable, positive, out going, friendly, cool tempered, and most important of all is that YOU ARE NOT A QUITER. Because making money at fairs and bazaars isn't as easy as it seems, you don’t make a fortune for the first or second try. You should expect a progress in your profit on your third or fourth day in fairs or bazaars- that is when you learn how to minimize expenses and mastered the skills of budgeting.
Although it seems hard to start on this business, there are opportunities and advantages that you will enjoy when joining fairs or bazaars.
First, joining at fairs or bazaars provides an opportunity to build your business network and find new good customers at a little cost and small capital. Bazaar’s joining fee is minimal that allow sellers to enjoy reasonable mark-ups on items they are selling.
Second, joining at fairs or bazaars does not need you to have a business permit since you don't pay taxes for that one- the organizers are the one responsible for that. So if you are just starting or experimenting on your business, this is the best way to launch your products or services without worrying about government responsibilities.
Third, joining at fairs or bazaars does not only provide a venue for you to boost your business but also for you to improve your interpersonal skills. It will enhance your communication skills and your leadership capabilities.
For me, improvement of interpersonal skills is the most important advantage that you can have when joining bazaars. The interpesonal skills that you developed could help take your business places and will keep your business going.
Below are the things I considered and learned along the way in joining bazaars. Actually I’ve read many tips and techniques in many magazines and websites and I proved that they are really effective, but learning from your actual experience is the best ever. So for those who want to try to join bazaars for their business, here are some tips to consider.
1.) Find a good venue. Not because one venue is offering a lower price, it will be the best place for you. You should first ask yourself the following when selecting your fair venue:
a.) Did they launch successful bazaars the previous year?
b.) Do they have advertisement campaign for their fairs?
c.)Where is it located?
d.)What gimmicks do they have to attract shoppers?
These are the basic questions to remember; you still need to be intellegent when selecting good bazaar venue for your products.
2. Research. Find out who typically attend bazaar, know their target market, is it the Class A people? Class B people? Class C people? From here you will know if your products or services are applicable to their event. Also, find out how much it will cost you when you join their event, calculate travel cost, material cost, booth cost and other expenses that you will shoulder when joining bazaars. Its also best to know your break even point--that is, how many items you need to sell in order to make a profit--before you decide to pack up and go.
3. Watch your expenses. It is important to maintain your expenses to a minimum. If you could share a booth with someone with same category as what you are selling, it will be great. Just make sure that you are selling different items so as to avoid conflict.
4. Product pricing. Add a reasonable mark up to your items, its better to have a little profit on each item than going home without even a cent on your pocket. I know you’ve got to sell more items to cover your cost but its better that way than go back home empty handed.
5. Prepare materials for booth. Aside from the items you are going to sell, you need to prepare materials for the presentation of your booth and selling activities. You need to prepare extra chairs, small table, calculator, plastic bags, table cloth, wire mesh, thumb tacks, scissors, strings, nails, tapes and any brochures or marketing materials you might have. Believe me, all these are very useful when arranging your booth.
6. Dress-Up. Don’t just make your booth presentable, also make an effort to dress-up for your customers. Of course, you don't like people to see you like you haven’t showered for a long time. So make sure you make yourself presentable too.
7. Have a companion. Yes joining a bazaar is exciting and profitable, but it is also physically and emotionally exhausting. That's why it's important to bring along someone to help you with the work at the booth and deal with customers. In our experience, you should at least have three persons in the booth to serve your customers properly.
8. Count your money. After every bazaar, sit down and figure out how much money you made. Calculate how much profit you have. From here it will help you have an analysis whether you made a successful bazaar or not and you will figure out also if the venue you selected is good or not.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
How to Crochet with Beads
Love this idea!!! Hope I could do this also...so unique, crochet with beads?? never thought of that...love the designer of this, it gave me an idea what to give this Christmas to my friends..ooopsss...sshhhh (top secret!) ha ha hha.. cross your finger I could do this... heheheh
Monday, December 3, 2007
Dual Strand Headband
Since its famous I’ve decide to create my own dual strand headband…because I’ve notice, most dual headband that I bought were made of thick garter or synthetic leather that after long hour of wearing it, it will give a discomfort feeling to your head and later on will hurt you. I tried to look for a dual headband made of lighter material in many accessory stores but I found nothing. So I thought why not make my own dual headband with a lighter material... I thought of ribbons immediately because its easy to find and comes with different designs and colors…So I use ribbons as the material and violaaaa I have my perfect dual strand headband, just for me…so light, not slipping and as I thought it don’t hurt my head. Love it!!! . and you know what its easy to make ha...it will only need a few stitches, some glues and its done....you have your wonderful dual headband... easy!
I showed it to my friends and went crazy about it…and asked me to make one for them too. (ok, fine!). And they also told me why not make many to try to sell them to our bazaars, (afraid!!!), at first i'm really skeptical about the quality of my work, but when I saw that the first headband that I made is doing fine so far... and with trust to my friends that my dual headband will be sold easily, I go for it and give it a try....So I made few pieces of dual headband and tried to sell them in our store…with my surprise, it is selling like hot cake…as in...many girls are liking my headbands over the other types....amazing.....I never knew that they will love those headbands because they are very light and they are as if not durable because of its extra lightness…but girls who bought my dual headbands have the same sentiment with me…. The hurt feeling…that's why they preferred the light ones over those garterized dual headband....cool !heheheh.... I feel really great…I’m so glad !!!…I made many girls very happy for my headband.... Love the feeling!!! Still can’t believe it… :-)
I hope for my next bazaar, more girls will buy my dual strand headband…
My Dual Strand Headband