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Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Practice makes perfect

Everyday my accessory work is getting better and better, I've been perfecting every stroke of curving and rounding wires and hooks...I've realized that you just don't connect it piece by piece, you should know the right dimension and the right distance of stone or beads on the chain. Its very important also to plan your design and prepare the materials before you start working. Like the first time i made a bracelet, it takes me 6 hrs in making it, because first, i don't have the right tools and i don't have a plan in it ended up not good and i have to start all over again. Anyway, now i'm learning the saying goes, practice makes perfect. ;-)

I've been reading a lot of accessory making books and sites for ideas and techniques. Its very helpful for beginner like me. I found one site in the Internet where there is a learning center, thanks to my friend Kristine for giving me the site, gosh its so helpful because it shows the step by step instructions on how to make a bracelet or it ! really.. :-)

You want to see my favorite workmanship...Naks! drum roll everyone my favorite work of art....

I call it the blue rose bracelet... So how was it... is it bad?? hope not... i find it cute... heheheh

Ok, the materials i used for that are the following

4 pcs. blue rose murano beads (earring and bracelet)
18 pcs. white small round plastic beads (earring and bracelet)
2 earring hooks
7 1/2 inch of Silver coated Chain
11 nail hooks (earring and bracelet)
1 lock

Its very easy, I just connect the beads to the chain with 1/2 inch distance from one bead to another...and then viola!

I hope you find it interesting....

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